Community of Practice in Talent Development

We are an engaging and enlightening group of professionals with expertise in the study and practice of talent management and development. 

This can take the form of talent developers in training administration, classroom instruction, instructional design, evaluation and talent development management. We are also joined by professionals who have made careers of consulting and advising in talent development.

Meeting virtually and self-managed, the titles and experience levels of members vary, but what we’re experiencing is lively discussion around an important topic – sharing ideas and techniques, hearing how practice works in organizations, and more.

We invite you to put your hat in the ring and join us. Simply complete this form and we’ll get back to you about participation.


The Community of Practice is scheduled to typically meet the first Thursday of every month. All meetings will be held on Zoom. Once registered, you will receive information on how to join the session.

  • Thursday, March 13, 1:00 p.m. CDT
    • Topic: What do clients/colleagues seek in executive education—expertise, leadership, flexibility, practical impact? This discussion will explore how programs can be tailored to meet workforce demands.
  • Thursday, April 3
  • Thursday, May 1
  • Thursday, June 5


It’s a gathering of practitioners in a particular discipline who come together to share ideas, get support and information, and improve each other’s capabilities and performance. Each community takes on its own identity.

The Human Capital Lab Community of Practice is facilitated by a professional who handles registrations, notices, and the meetings themselves.

Currently we meet virtually by Zoom. Should the group choose to meet up at a conference, event, or other location, that’s a group decision and one we will support with facilitation.

We are fortunate to be in company with professionals from across the country.

There are a couple of ways to get involved in the Community of Practice. Bring a solution you’ve provided as case study, bring a problem you’re working to solve and solicit solutions, (we call this a “Master Mind” presentation), share knowledge of a leading trend that we may not be aware of. Float your ideas by the facilitator here.

I am interested in joining the Talent Development Community of Practice.

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