Hot off the presses at the Association for Talent Development (ATD), we have “ATD’s Handbook for Consultants.” Edited by noted consultant and author Elaine Biech, this book brings you perspectives, ideas, and techniques for establishing and running your own consulting practice from dozens of contributors. )You’ll even find a chapter on “Passive Income: Making Your Consulting Products and Services Work For You,” written by yours truly.)
Also just published by ATD is the third edition of ATD’s Handbook for Training and Talent Development, also edited by Elaine Biech. The handbook contains the latest thinking on an array of talent development concepts and techniques. This version of the handbook presents 56 chapters covering a multitude of topics related to being a talent development professional. (Look closely and you’ll even find a chapter by me, “Give Your Career a Boost with Certification.”)
The latest HR Magazine offers up “Getting Ahead Without Losing Yourself,” where author Michelle P. King reminds us of the need to be proactive in building our informal network, along with the challenges of diversifying that network by getting to know people different from ourselves. One great tip: network with people without an immediate agenda or quid pro quo, i.e., connect with people because the connection itself is a good thing. This article is based on her new book, How Work Works: The Subtle Science of Getting Ahead Without Losing Yourself.
In the Spring 2024 issue of the academic journal Human Resource Development, authors Steele, Moake, and Medina-Craven wrote, “Developing women leaders: The role of women’s professional organizations.” In the article, the authors explore the value in joining professional organizations for women. From the abstract: “We found that experiences within this organization allowed members to hone their leadership abilities, network with other women, work directly with and observe women leaders, and receive support from others to take on leadership roles. In turn, these members had increased leadership aspirations, more confidence in their leadership capabilities, and a more expansive view of leadership within their careers. Overall, the findings from this exploratory study highlight the important role that WPOs can play in women’s leader development.”
Finally, Generative AI (artificial intelligence tools used to create learning tools) comes with risks to instructional designers, as author Kark M. Kapp reminds us in “10 AI Mistakes to Avoid” in the April 2024 issue of TD Magazine. From using copyrighted material to creating wrong information to lacking cultural context, using AI to create learning materials is like using a sharp knife: it can work very well, but don’t cut yourself!