The Human Capital Lab is a virtual community of human capital practitioners and scholars. Our goal is to advance the practice of human capital management.
Four, really: 1) human capital management (what we used to call HR and, before that, personnel), 2) talent development (what we used to call human resource development and, before that, training), 3) leadership (both strategic and interpersonal leadership), and 4) distance education (because it’s not just the subject, it’s also the delivery of it).
Four ways. First, we’re starting a community of practice in talent development. For more information, see here. Second, we’re pairing our university’s doctoral students—who are accomplished, mid-career practitioners—with employers who might have research opportunities for the doctoral students to do their dissertations. (Click here for more info.) Third, we’ll be establishing our presence with several professional societies, including the Association for Talent Development (ATD), Chief Learning Officer (CLO) Magazine, and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Fourth, we’ll be interviewing interesting subjects in the industry and elsewhere in a twice-monthly podcast. (Check those out here.) Finally, we’ll provide white papers, research, and other products for anyone in the community to download. They’re available here.
Nothing. Nobody in the Human Capital Lab community pays for anything. Ever. They pay for what they take with what they have to give. The capital we exchange in the Human Capital Lab is the knowledge and experiences we have to share with each other. As a community, we all benefit from everyone’s contributions, small and large alike.
Do what you’re doing – browse this website. When you want to know more or simply discuss the possibilities open to you, fill out the request form to let us know what you’re interested in. And most of all, join in!